

What is it about?

This article examines how a new technology called guitar profiling is changing the way metal music is produced. Guitar profiling allows producers to digitally copy and manipulate the sound of any guitar amplifier, making it easier to create and experiment with unique tones. Through interviews with experienced German metal producers, the study reveals that while this technology is widely appreciated for its flexibility, many producers still prefer traditional methods and equipment for key parts of their work. The research highlights the tension between embracing innovation and preserving established practices in metal music production.

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This article is unique in offering one of the first in-depth studies of guitar profiling technology, a significant innovation that allows producers to digitally replicate and manipulate the sound of any amplifier. By focusing on the perspectives of internationally renowned German metal producers, the research provides insights into how new tools are being integrated into professional music production. The work is timely as the music industry continues to adopt digital technologies, raising questions about the balance between innovation and tradition. This study contributes to discussions about the future of music production, offering valuable insights for producers, musicians, and scholars interested in the interplay between technology and creativity in metal music.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Jan-Peter Herbst
University of Huddersfield

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Old sounds with new technologies? Examining the creative potential of guitar ‘profiling’ technology and the future of metal music from producers’ perspectives, Metal Music Studies, March 2019, Intellect,
DOI: 10.1386/mms.5.1.53_1.
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