

What is it about?

This journal special issue is edited by Professor Hua Dong (Brunel University of London), focussing on the context of UK-China Creative Industries Research and Innovation collaboration. It includes an editorial, four articles addressing Creative China from top-down to bottom-up approaches, with two conversational pieces offering insights from the UK-China Fellow fellowship study (funded by the UKRI/Arts and Humanities Research Council - grant number AH/Y000722/1)

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Why is it important?

This special issue gives insights into priorities of future UK-China creative industries collaboration based on first-hand evidence involving creative businesses in the UK and China.


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Businesses in the UK and China are keen on collaboration in creative industries, and envisage a win-win situation. Policy and mechanisms should be developed to support this.

Hua Dong

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Creative China in the context of UK–China creative industries collaboration, Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, April 2024, Intellect,
DOI: 10.1386/jcca_00097_2.
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