

What is it about?

Work-related stress has become a major issue at the workplace. It is associated with increased physical and mental health risk. Work stress is also associated with long-term economic impact due to absenteeism and presenteeism. There have been several workplace interventions to tackle these issues, with varying results.

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Why is it important?

Several reviews found that digital interventions could effectively improve employees’ psychological well-being and reduce stress at the workplace but most of the interventions examined were not tailored to the individual employee. Also, blended eHealth interventions delivered by healthcare professionals combined with a digital intervention tailoring to the treatment is now available. So far, their application and effect in the workplace setting has not been explored.


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Tailored digital interventions seem more effective in employees with higher levels of distress, presenteeism or absenteeism than in the general working population. However, so far, there are not many studies in this domain. Given the promising results, tailoring of digital interventions based upon employee input should be a focus in future research. Also, there is a need for uniformity in the use of assessment tools and outcomes reporting in future research, especially in terms of work productivity. This research was part of the EMPOWER project (https://empower-project.eu/) funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020.

Thirimon Moe-Byrne
University of York

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Effectiveness of tailored digital health interventions for mental health at the workplace: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials, PLOS Digital Health, October 2022, PLOS,
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pdig.0000123.
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