What is it about?
Critical review of Charles Leerhsen's biography of Ty Cobb, "A Terrible Beauty." I argue Leerhsen misinterpreted evidence and offered poor contextual analysis to argue that Cobb was not a racist. Cobb did in fact fall in line with the racial prejudices of his era and region.
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Why is it important?
Leerhsen's book received scant critical review when it became a best seller. I help correct that.
I hope people will have a deeper appreciation for the era in which Cobb lived as well as the culture of early 20th Century baseball. Of course, i also hope this essay leads people to read my book, Ty Cobb, Baseball, and American Manhood (2016).
Steve Tripp
Grand Valley State University, Michigan
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Fake History? Charles Leerhsen and the Redemption of Ty Cobb, NINE A Journal of Baseball History and Culture, January 2017, Project Muse,
DOI: 10.1353/nin.2017.0027.
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