

What is it about?

One of the most popular African (Burkina Faso) filmmakers talks about his nearly two decades film production, the detective theme, comedy and the violence in his films. His thoughts on the African film production and film industry show that he is a visionary who has been at odds with conservative filmmakers and critics because of his creative and unorthodox views on digital films as a way to innovate and promote a lucrative film industry.

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Why is it important?

This interview gives voice to one of the most creative filmmakers in Africa who reflects on his art, on African cinema and universal cinema. Diallo uses a nonconventional way of making films in Africa and provides a solution for African cinema to be financially independent while getting a mark in the global film market.


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Interviewing Diallo shows that there are innovative and differing ways on making cinema in this corner of the world. These approaches need to be acknowledged by the rest of the world. This interview has also encouraged me to conduct more interviews of African filmmakers, actors and producers to broaden the study to other Francophone African filmmakers who target a popular audience.

Edgard Sankara
University of Delaware

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Entretien avec Boubakar Diallo, réalisateur de films burkinabè: Interview réalisée par Edgard Sankara (Août 2018), Nouvelles Études Francophones, January 2020, Project Muse,
DOI: 10.1353/nef.2020.0045.
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