

What is it about?

Two initiatives are described on how botany and aquaponics are used to engage Native American youth in biological concepts and the fundamental pursuit of observation. These initiatives allow students to learn perspectives that include the traditional uses of plants for medicinal and other cultural applications.

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Why is it important?

Using plants as a central theme has helped make culturally relevant connections with Native American communities. An added benefit of the coproduction of fish and plants in an ecosystem, is the possibility to help alleviate some of the issues of food deserts that are common.


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It has been a distinct privilege for us, as co-authors, to collaborate with our Native partners to bring health and science education to their students.

Liliana Bronner
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Using Ethnobotany and Aquaponics to Engage Native Youth in STEM, Great Plains Research, September 2022, Project Muse,
DOI: 10.1353/gpr.2022.0009.
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