What is it about?
Ambulatory joints are becoming more widespread. Periarticular injections are being seen by the surgeons as the optimal pain control since it provides analgesia without sacrificing strength and the ability to ambulate. Motor sparing blocks such as the adductor canal block and the IPACK block are being used at these centers to further optimize the surgeon's PAI. This study demonstrates that these blocks do enhance postoperative analgesia and supports the idea of collaborating with the surgeons. This study overwhelmingly promotes the addition the of the ACB and IPACK to a multimodal pathway that includes PAI.
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Why is it important?
Optimizing analgesia for total knee arthroplasty allows earlier recovery and discharge. Motor sparing blocks like the ACB and IPACK allows for earlier ambulation and provides an effective opioid-sparing pathway.

At our own institution, we have included the IPACK block as the standard of care for knee replacement.
David Kim
Hospital for special surgery
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Addition of Infiltration Between the Popliteal Artery and the Capsule of the Posterior Knee and Adductor Canal Block to Periarticular Injection Enhances Postoperative Pain Control in Total Knee Arthroplasty, Anesthesia & Analgesia, September 2018, Wolters Kluwer Health,
DOI: 10.1213/ane.0000000000003794.
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