

What is it about?

The paper focuses on how minor asylum seekers foster resilience in the face of the numerous challenges that they face as they forge their futures in different countries in order to reach a country of destination that offers them fulfilment.

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Why is it important?

The paper provides in-depth insights about realities as seen and experienced by asylum seeking young people. It thereby contributes to the literature on migration by focusing on what young people think and feel as they seek asylum in foreign lands.


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I believe that this paper is important to me since it shows the 'human' side of migration, the fears, the hopes, the dreads, the aspirations, the troubles and the relief that young people experience when leaving the security of their home lands to travel to other lands that could offer them possible better futures, but in order to reach them, they need to risk their lives.

Dr Damian Spiteri
University of York

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: “On the Way to Freedom”, SAGE Open, December 2015, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/2158244015617473.
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