What is it about?
In order to investigate language learning mechanisms, we taught two groups of participants a made up language. Half of the participants learned the language in a traditional way, with comprehension-focused exercises. The other half of the participants was asked to speak the new language, not just repeating but actually generating phrases and sentences themselves right from the start. Tests at the end of the experiment show that the group who had talking practice scored better at comprehension tests than the other group who had had comprehension practice. This is really surprising, and it shows how powerful speaking is as a learning experience!
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Why is it important?
Language learning is increasingly important in our globalizing society, but after childhood it is really hard for most people to learn a second language. We show that talking more during language learning can be an incredibly powerful learning experience, even though talking in a second language is hard and you might make errors. Our emphasis on talking as a learning method goes against current mainstream theories of second language teaching, which focus almost exclusively on the importance of comprehension practice for learning a language, and very much ignore the learning benefits of producing language. We are not saying classrooms should be all language production, but we do think there could be more balance and more appreciation for the usefulness of talking as a learning experience.

After we presented this research at a scientific conference last year, I was contacted by a researcher studying German and second language teaching. This led to a new collaboration in which we will test our paradigm in a German classroom with grammatical gender - one of the hardest aspects of German for students to learn to master! Our current study is a psychological experiment designed to test learning mechanisms, and I am incredibly excited to get to test it in an applied classroom setting.
Elise Hopman
University of Wisconsin System
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Production Practice During Language Learning Improves Comprehension, Psychological Science, April 2018, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/0956797618754486.
You can read the full text:
- Press Release
How talking more can make you better at listening - to foreign languages
University of Wisconsin - Madison general audience press release about this paper.
- Data
Study Data and Analyses
OSF archive with data and analyses scripts for this paper, meant for other scientists interested in our findings.
Language and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab Website
Website of the Language and Cognitive Neuroscience lab, which features updates on all of our ongoing research and an overview of previously published language research from our lab.
- Video
Scientific Talk at CUNY 2017 Human Sentence Processing Conference
This is a recording of a scientific talk given at the CUNY 2017 Human Sentence Processing Conference at MIT. It is aimed at an audience of language scientists and is fairly technical.
Experimental Materials
OSF archive with all materials needed to run this experiment (visual and auditory stimuli, python scripts), for other scientists who would like to replicate or follow up on our experiment.
- Open Access version
Manuscript (open access)
Accepted version of the manuscript, freely available from our lab website. Note that this contains some minor errors that were corrected in the published version of the article. If you would like a copy of the published version of the article but don't have access to it through the journal website, please email me (hopman@wisc.edu).
- Interview
Community Radio Interview
We had a fun conversation with Will Cushman at Madison's local community radio station about our research.
- Press Release
APS press release
press release by the Association for Psychological Science about our paper.
OASIS accessible summary
Accessible summary of the paper, meant to be understandable for anyone with an interest in language learning.
- Interview
WPR interview
Radio interview for Wisconsin Public Radio, the 10 minute piece on our research starts at 11:40.
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