

What is it about?

Digital technologies are at the heart of our everyday lives. Trying to grasp and make sense of all these new developments, which are happening at a very fast pace, is a bit overwhelming for most of us. Kate Ott, an American Christian ethicist, wrote a book on the ethics of digital technologies. In this article, I am offering a review of Ott's book.

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Why is it important?

Digital technologies can sometimes feel etherial and one can easily struggle to see the impact that they have on society, the self, and the environment. It is important to grasp the ongoing ethical issues related to digital technologies.


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I enjoyed writing this book review. Ott's book is an easy entry to the field, which I am part of, focusing on theological perspectives of digital technologies.

Antonin Ficatier
University of Birmingham

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Book Review: Kate Ott, Christian Ethics for a Digital Society, Studies in Christian Ethics, January 2020, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/0953946819883780d.
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