What is it about?
This paper reflects on the experience of Nottingham City Council, a local authority in the East Midlands of England. It draws on an in-depth interview with the then Deputy Leader of the authority and the chair of the Outbreak Control Engagement Board, and the publicly available minutes from this committee. This paper places the specific experiences of this local authority in a broader context reflecting on emergency planning, best practice, and legacy. It contributes to understanding the national impact of COVID-19 on local government.
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Why is it important?
Four key themes emerge from this analysis: first central government was too slow in responding to the emerging crisis and communication with local government was poor, second the local authority quickly moved online but there has subsequently been a return to pre-pandemic working practices, third local government played a critical role in supporting vulnerable citizens despite huge budgetary pressures, and finally relationships between partners was crucial in achieving positive outcomes.

COVID-19 impact has had a profound impact on local government in the UK. The dominant theme emerging from the evidence gathered for the paper is that local authorities play a vital role in meeting the needs of the community.
Richard Machin
Nottingham Trent University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: UK local government experience of COVID-19 Lockdown: Local responses to global challenges, Local Economy The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, June 2023, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/02690942231181562.
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