What is it about?
My article disucsses the ways that disputes between Sages (Pharisees) and their opponents (Sadducees, Boethusians, and the like) are presented in early rabbinic literature. It argues that the manner by which the oponents' opinions are presented is aimed at rejecting their views, by discrediting their hermeneutical value. For this reason, these representations cannot be considered historically reliable. The paper takes the dispute between the sages and the Sadducees (or Boethusians) concerning the incense of Yom Kippur as an examplse, and it shows how the rabbinic tradition intentionally misconstured the sectarian view in order to deny its legitimacy.
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Why is it important?
My paper is important because it shows that rabbinic traditions concerning the opinions of Second Temple sectarians cannot be taken at face value.
Writing this article in honor of my teacher, Prof. Daniel Schwartz, was a great honor for me. I hope my paper will affect the manners by which readers of early rabbinic texts approach rabbinic traditions.
Adiel Schremer
Universitat Bar-Ilan
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: הסתרה, הגחכה ופולמוס: הצגתן של מחלוקות בין חכמים למתנגדיהם בספרות חז״ל, מחלוקת הקטורת של יום הכיפורים כמקרה מבחן, July 2024, Brill,
DOI: 10.1163/9789004685567_035.
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