What is it about?
It is clear that in water distribution networks, contaminations have to be avoided. If measurements show contamination, the question is: Where does the contamination come from? This situation gives riese to the problem to find an optimal guess of the location based upon a mathematical model for the distribution of the contaminant in the network.
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Why is it important?
Our infrastructure consists of huge networks. This applies in particular to the freshwater network that is essential for our way of life. In the water distribution networks, only some pointwise measurements are available. So it is important to use the information from the pointwise measurments about the network state that is as accurate as possible.
This approach uses a rather simple partial differential equation as a model for the contaminant distribution. This situation has the advantage, that an explicit solution of the considered optimal fitting problem is possible, which allows to obtain good insights into the nature of the problem and also makes fast numerical solutions possible. As an extension, more involved partial differential equations that model the water flow more precisely could be included in the model.
Martin Gugat
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Contamination Source Determination in Water Distribution Networks, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, January 2012, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM),
DOI: 10.1137/110859269.
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