What is it about?
In the recent era of 'just sedate less' imposed by the Pain-Agitation-Delirium guidelines in the critically ill patients' care, the challenges to their implementation is often overlooked. This article adds to the existing body of literature on sedation-analgesia management by providing an in-depth understanding of the clinicians perspectives of challenges in the day-to-day management of sedation-analgesia. The consideration of these challenges may inform future innovative strategies to improve sedation-analgesia quality in intensive care.
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Why is it important?
Sedation optimisation is crucial in this era of sedating less critically ill patients. Identifying the barriers and facilitators to sedation practice will help to identify new strategies and interventions to optimise sedation.
Extensive qualitative work in Scottish ICUs.
Kalliopi Kydonaki
Edinburgh Napier University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Challenges and barriers to optimising sedation in intensive care: a qualitative study in eight Scottish intensive care units, BMJ Open, May 2019, BMJ,
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024549.
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