

What is it about?

Teenage births are a concern for the health and welfare of young women. This often limits their access to good education and work. Globally, Latin America (LA) has the second-highest teenage birth rate. Even though LA has tried to lower the birth rates by using programs and rules, the rate of teen pregnancies hasn't improved as much as in other places. This indicates that certain local factors may have an impact on teenage births. Most LA nations are very urbanized leading to large income and social disparities. Urban social factors, like living conditions, job prospects, access to education, and local violence vary between cities. But most studies on teenage births focus only on national or regional data, and rarely on urban social conditions. Thus, this study looks at the change in teenage birth rates within and across 363 cities in 9 LA countries and focuses on the impact of urban social settings on teenage births.

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Why is it important?

The study found that teenage birth rates vary across cities in LA. It also found that urban social factors play a key role in these birth rates. An increase in local violence and killings plus population growth led to more teenage births. Both these factors directly affect young people and limit their access to resources for a good life, which can result in more teenage pregnancies. Better living conditions and access to education were found to help reduce teenage births. Thus, this study highlights how urban social conditions must be kept in mind when developing policies to reduce teenage births in LA cities. It underscores that these policies must focus on reducing social inequalities within urban areas. KEY TAKEAWAY: This study is among the few that discuss how urban social factors affect teenage births, which can help make more effective, locale-specific policies for teenage health. This research relates to the following Sustainable Development Goals: • Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being • Goal 4: Quality Education • Goal 5: Gender Equality • Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities • Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Adolescent birth rates and the urban social environment in 363 Latin American cities, BMJ Global Health, October 2022, BMJ,
DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2022-009737.
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