

What is it about?

This is a systematic review of different studies, critical evaluations, practice based analysis that have taken place globally, analysing the use of assistive technology for visually impaired people. The paper discusses some of the reasons behind countrywide rates of visual impairment alongside policy suggestions, which governments could implement to improve the longevity of people's eyesight.

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Why is it important?

The paper also provides comprehensive information regarding different country's approach to eye health care, alongside analysis of policy absence or failure which will lead to countrywide deterioration of nation's health.


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A person's eyesight is one of the most valuable things a person has. This paper raises awareness what a countries need to do to protect their populations eyesight and reduce visual impairment in the long term.

Dr Benjamin Duke
University of Leicester

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Estimating need and coverage for five priority assistive products: a systematic review of global population-based research, BMJ Global Health, January 2022, BMJ,
DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2021-007662.
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