

What is it about?

Thirteen studies were looked at which means 24-639 children were included. Resolution of OME-related hearing loss was 50% by 3 months, 60% by 6 months and 61-77% by 12 months. Resolution of OME causing hearing loss (OME of <1 month, >3 months, >6 months or unknown duration before follow-up) was 23-55% by 3 months, 20-50% by 6 months, 31% by 9 months and 21-93% by 12 months, depending on population and how resolution was defined. Resolution of chronic OME (OME of >12 months duration before follow-up) was only 7% by 1 month, 12% by 6 months and 6% by 12 months. Resolution was only 42% by 57 months in children with primary ciliary dyskinesia.

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Why is it important?

This study contributes to the understanding of how long otitis media with effusion (glue ear) affects children’s hearing. If children have a hearing loss it can affect their development (speech, language, auditory processing, listening skills and learning ability). This means that interventions should be applied which take the natural history into consideration - OME resolves given enough time, but children need their hearing supporting.


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My other work has focused on simple family empowered solutions such as a home app (Hear Glue Ear app), simple bone conduction headphones, a school-home care plan. This study about how glue ear fluctuates and resolves over time should help us consider interventions that will support children’s hearing but take into consideration the natural resolution. It helps to be mindful that interventions such as surgery may be simply reflecting the natural resolution that was going to occur. It helps us to reflect on different child’s needs.

Dr Tamsin Mary Holland Brown
Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust & Cambridge University Hospitals

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Natural history of otitis media with effusion-related hearing loss in children under 12 years: a systematic review, Archives of Disease in Childhood, September 2024, BMJ,
DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2024-327463.
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