

What is it about?

Many experts recommend that childcare centers improve their outdoor spaces to help kids be more active. But putting these recommendations into practice isn't always easy. We looked at 19 studies to find out what makes it easier or harder for childcare centers to create better play areas. What we found: The biggest challenges were practical things like not having enough time, equipment, or space. Support from parents, coworkers, and bosses also played a big role.

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Why is it important?

This information can help childcare centers create better outdoor spaces that encourage kids to be more active. Physical activity is crucial for children's health and development. With rising rates of childhood obesity and sedentary behavior, and with more working families using childcare settings, finding ways to encourage more physical activity where children spend most of their waking time is important.


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This research can guide policymakers and childcare regulators in creating more effective guidelines and support systems for childcare centers.

Lubna Razak
Brunei Ministry of Health

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Barriers to and Facilitators of the Implementation of Environmental Recommendations to Encourage Physical Activity in Center-Based Childcare Services: A Systematic Review, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, December 2019, Human Kinetics,
DOI: 10.1123/jpah.2019-0050.
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