

What is it about?

The South Caucasus region has experienced three ethnically rooted violent conflicts, yet other ethnic disputes in the same region remained dormant. How was it possible?

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Why is it important?

Despite an extensive literature on the South Caucasus conflicts, research on those ethnic disputes that could have erupted during the collapse of the Soviet Union is scarce. This paper aims to contribute to the literature.


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Based on existing theories of nationalism and ethnic conflicts and field interviews with the leaders of the popular movements in Javakhk, the paper examines the underlying reasons for the lack of conflict there in the early 1990s.

Dr. Vahram H. Ter-Matevosyan
American University of Armenia

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: A conflict that did not happen: revisiting the Javakhk affair in Georgia, Nations and Nationalism, August 2018, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/nana.12454.
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