What is it about?
When doctors who graduate from overseas (International Medical Graduates [IMGs]) immigrate they face many challenges in the host country. We reviewed all published articles that described the experiences of IMGs. We interpreted the findings from these studies and present them using a comprehensive and simple framework.
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Why is it important?
IMGs represent over 25% of practising doctors in the USA and Canada and over 40% of doctors in Australia, Ireland, Isreal, New Zealand, Norway and the UK. Yet, they are more at risk of complaints being made against them and are less likely to pass postgraduate exams compared to Domestic Medical Graduates (DMGs). Our article explores the experiences of IMGs to identify issues that may directly or indirectly contribute to the higher complaint rates and lower pass rates.
Carrying out this review and writing this article gave me a lot of insights into the issues facing IMGs. It also resonated with me as an IMG practising in Scotland. Conducting this review helped me as a senior clinician and trainer to translate some of the findings into actions on the ground to facilitate the integration of IMGs in the workplace here in Scotland.
Mo Al-Haddad
University of Glasgow
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: International medical graduates' experiences before and after migration: A meta‐ethnography of qualitative studies, Academic Medicine, January 2022, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/medu.14708.
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