What is it about?
Bemiparin is a second generation low molecular heparin which differ from the first generation low molecular weight heparin regarding the mode of action . It was an effective thromboprophylactic drug after it use following benign gynecological surgeries
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Why is it important?
This clinical trial is regarded the first to be conducted after benign gynecological surgeries and with a large sample size
The use of this simple injection following gynecolgical surgeries for women whome were risky to develope VTE resulted in hundered petcent protection against venous thromboembolism event and in our hospital it helped to develop a local guideline fir the use of thromboprophylaxis after gynecological surgeties and it also helped the gynecologists to become familial with its use
Professor Shahla kreem Alalaf
Hawler Medical University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Bemiparin for thromboprophylaxis after benign gynecologic surgery: a randomized clinical trial, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, October 2015, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/jth.13164.
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