

What is it about?

A screening series of 27 crude drugs most commonly used in CTM as well as a modified European standard series was patch tested in 30 patients. Concomitant allergy to colophonium was found in most of these positive reactions. A precise labelling of the dosage of each component and the exact chemical compounds in CTM products could further improve the safety and therapeutic effects of CTM in the future.

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Why is it important?

Chinese topical medicaments (CTMs) are commonly used in Taiwan and Southeast Asia. However, a systematic evaluation of contact sensitization potential from CTM has not been carried out to our knowledge. This study was undertaken to investigate the incidence of contact sensitivity to the components of CTM in patients with contact dermatitis from CTM.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: A patch test study of 27 crude drugs commonly used in Chinese topical medicaments, Contact Dermatitis, July 2003, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/j.0105-1873.2003.00125.x.
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