

What is it about?

With the emergence of opinion spam, scholars in recent years have been investigating how to distinguish between authentic and fake online reviews. In this research area however, constructing ground truth has been a tricky problem. When labeled datasets of authentic and fake reviews are unavailable, it becomes impossible to systematically investigate differences between the two. In light of this problem, the goal of this paper is three-fold: (1) To review existing approaches of developing ground truth, (2) To present an improved methodological template to construct ground truth, and (3) To conduct a quality-check of the newly constructed ground truth.

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Why is it important?

The existing approaches are dissected to identify several peculiarities. The new approach invests in mitigating pitfalls in the current approaches. In the newly constructed ground truth, authentic reviews were found to be not easily distinguishable from fake reviews. Finally, new research directions are identified with the hope that scholars would be able to stay ahead in their relentless race against spammers.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: A Methodological Template to Construct Ground Truth of Authentic and Fake Online Reviews, October 2018, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
DOI: 10.1109/dsaa.2018.00083.
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