

What is it about?

The purpose of this article is to explore how Ontario principals make sense of difference within student populations and how this sensemaking influences how they do their work.

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Why is it important?

School leadership is integral to creating and building more inclusive and equitable public education that improves all students’ success at school. As Ontario’s general population becomes increasingly diverse, it is imperative that principals support success for all students; this can only happen if they understand the complexity of difference within their student populations and beyond, how to address these complexities and how their own understandings and beliefs influence their leadership practices.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: School principals’ understandings of student difference and diversity and how these understandings influence their work, The International Journal of Educational Management, November 2019, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/ijem-07-2019-0243.
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