What is it about?

We report the first crystal structure of a nitrosyl pyrrole. Interestingly, the cooperative hydrogen bonds in this NO-substituted pyrrole lead to a trimeric structure with bifurcated halogen bonds at the ends, forming a two-dimensional (2D) layer with interstitial voids having a radius of 5 A ˚ similar to some reported macrocyclic porphyrins, these layers are held together by pi-pi interactions.

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Why is it important?

It is the first crystal of a nitrosyl pyrrole and it can be relevant because the N and O of the nitrosyl group are pointing inward to a center, forming an interesting motif that is expanded in 2D by Br---Br halogen interactions, leading a structure with interstitial voids. This is very important in crystal engineering and nano-structure materials.


Writing this article has been an exciting journey, sparking my curiosity even further about the fascinating fields of crystallography and crystal engineering. I hope it not only ignites the interest of young students in these areas but also inspires crystallographers from around the world to explore new ideas and collaborations.

Mónica Farfán-Paredes
Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: 2,4-Diarylpyrroles: synthesis, characterization and crystallographic insights, Acta Crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry, August 2024, International Union of Crystallography,
DOI: 10.1107/s2053229624007277.
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