What is it about?

This paper is about the structures of titanium compounds that include groups of atoms known as alkoxides, which are related to alcohols. These alkoxides attach themselves to the metal by way of an oxygen atom, and also include fluorine atoms attached to the carbon atoms, which modify the reactivity of the of these titanium compounds. The combination of properties and choice of solvent makes these compounds particularly promising for use as catalysts, to make plastics.

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Why is it important?

These compounds potentially will be effective catalysts for making specific types of plastics with unique physical properties, such as elasticity or stiffness, as well as how they interact with light.


This paper was the result of a long term project. The crystals that were used for this study were obtained as a somewhat lucky accident, but sometimes luck can play an important role in advancing science.

William Van Der Sluys
Pennsylvania State University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Concerning the structures of Lewis base adducts of titanium(IV) hexafluoroisopropoxide, Acta Crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry, August 2024, International Union of Crystallography,
DOI: 10.1107/s2053229624006843.
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