What is it about?
Identity styles were introduced by M. Berzonsky in the late 80s to describe a process aspect of identity formation. The respective instrument (ISI 3) was translated in many languages and used in many studies (including my own work). As I was reading more and more about it, it captured my attention that some of the items referred to identity domains and some did not. On the other hand, some of the scales that correlated with the identity style scales did not refer to identity. Would such a similarity explain some of the construct validity of the ISI-3? This article investigates this question.
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Why is it important?
Since the publication of this article, new measures of the identity styles were developed. In some of these, my argument, that the content of the items is important, was taken into account. My publication may be somewhat outdated, but the main idea is still timely.
Important differentiations in the scientific findings may be due to differences in how scientific constructs are measured. With this short article, I hope that I have added a little something to the identity research
Dr. Georgios Vleioras
University of Thessaly
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Not All Identity Style Items Refer to Identity: Does It Matter?, Identity, July 2007, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/15283480709336933.
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