

What is it about?

Employing a longue durée framework is a useful analytical tool for studying the perseverance of ideas regarding the ethno-territorial cohesion and durability of perspectives on regional identities. The paper helps us unpack some of the existing notions.

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Why is it important?

It looks at the political and intellectual discourse over the last 200-years to understand the perseverance of ideas and perceptions. This is a useful analytical exercise to look at Armenia's Caucasian identity.


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I wanted to write this paper for a long time now. It helped me put together ideas and interpretations that have been revolving in my head.

Dr. Vahram H. Ter-Matevosyan
American University of Armenia

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: From Transcaucasia to the South Caucasus: Structural and Discursive Predicaments in Armenia’s Regional Integration, Journal of Borderlands Studies, June 2023, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2023.2200782.
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