

What is it about?

A pyridine silver permanganate complex used in organic synthesis as a weak and organic solvent soluble oxidant proved to be a mixture of three compounds. We isolated all three compounds in pure form, and a fourth previously unknown permanganate compound and the analogous perchlorate and perrhenate complexes as well.

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Why is it important?

More than 20 highly-cited papers published in high IF journals when the authors used a mixture instead of the compound they wanted to use. Our work contains methods to isolate all the pure components. The oxidation reactions performed with the mixture previously can be checked by the pure isolated components to decide which components was responsible for the good chemical action. A heavy mistake in the composition of a useful reagent has been clarified and methods are given to synthesize pure compounds. The structure of a new permanganate complex has been elucidated and described including secondary interactions are important in crystal engineering.


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Since many very useful reactions were found previously with a multicomponent mixture believed to be a pure compound, the pure compoennts of the mixture can be checked in these reactions to find the active component.

Dr Laszlo Kotai
Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The chemical identity of ‘[Ag(py)2]MnO4’ organic solvent soluble oxidizing agent and new synthetic routes for the preparation of [Ag(py)n]XO4 (X = Mn, Cl, Re, n = 2-4) complexes, Journal of Coordination Chemistry, July 2018, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/00958972.2018.1493464.
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