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We report a theoretical model for THz generation from the interaction of Gaussian laser beams with semiconductor nanoparticles suspended in argon gas in the presence of a DC magnetic field. Our investigations include two different shapes of nanoparticles [spherical (SNPs) and cylindrical (CNPs)]. The laser fields ionize nanoparticles converting them into plasma, which takes the form of spherical and cylindrical periodic nanoclusters with the electron density profile n= n 0+ n q e iqz⁠, where q is the wave number of the density ripple and n q is the amplitude of density modulation. In our investigations, nanoparticles of AlAs and InP semiconductors are considered. Resonance condition is obtained when the laser beat frequency matches with the surface plasmon frequency of nanoparticles. We obtain resonances at two different frequencies when we apply a DC magnetic field.

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This page is a summary of: Multi-resonance terahertz (THz) generation from magnetized cylindrical and spherical nanoclusters of AlAs and InP nanoparticles, Physics of Plasmas, October 2024, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0211237.
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