

What is it about?

Nowsaday polluted water is a biggest issue. Nanotechnology is used in various method to clean the water. So it can b reusable. Nanoparticles are prepared for fabric surface coating to check its self cleaning property.

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Why is it important?

Dyes are remove from solution by sunlight. So this method is harmless for environment and make water clean


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We see most of water is not drinkable even the underground water is also polluted by factories wastage, pollution etc. So after research the the dyes or harmful chemicals from factories that is polluted our water are cleaned by using nanotechnology. I used tio2/biobr nanoparticles. Firstly these particles are coated on fabric then dye with different dyescolor. And check it's self cleaning properties under sunlight at different hours.

Aiza Maqbool
University of Agriculture Faisalabad

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Photocatalytic response of plasma functionalized and sonochemically TiO2/BiOBr coated fabrics for self-cleaning application, AIP Advances, December 2023, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0182513.
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