

What is it about?

Design and implementation of a diagnostic for MAST Upgrade. The diagnostic observes and maps the radiation around the lower x-point. Because of using a camera rather than a single electrical sensor, there is a large number of available lines of sight. The tomographic inversion from line integrated to emissivity can be done with a far greater resolution.

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Why is it important?

This is the first diagnostic ever to achieve such a high resolution round the x-point, and even more so in spherical tokamaks.


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This publication is a solid foundation for the design and optimisation of similar diagnostics, and showcases the capabilities and pitfalls of this system.

Fabio Federici
University of York

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Design and implementation of a prototype infrared video bolometer (IRVB) in MAST Upgrade, Review of Scientific Instruments, March 2023, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0128768.
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