

What is it about?

This articles is about explaining and comparing different layer-2 techniques that provide lossless Ethernet. The article also provides the simulation based comparison of IEEE standards for Data Center Bridging protocols

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Why is it important?

This article provides the survey of latest research in the field and also provide simulation based comparison of IEEE standards that have been intoduced to provide Data Center Bridging.


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Writing this article was a great pleasure as it has co-authors with whom I have had long standing collaborations. This article also lead to the good understanding of lossless Ethernet, Data Center Bridging, Reliable Layer-2 Infrastructure, and its applications.

Waqar Khurshid
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: A Comparative Study of Congestion Notification Techniques for Hop-by-Hop Based Flow Control in Data Center Ethernet , IET Networks, February 2018, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (the IET),
DOI: 10.1049/iet-net.2017.0101.
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