What is it about?
The installed DG units can supply either active power, or reactive power or both. In such a scenario, it is important to identify the unintentional islanding event early and accurately. With DG units, supplying both active and reactive power, the shortcomings of existing islanding detection techniques become prominent. Hence it is necessary to evolve new techniques to identify the islanding. To manage the identified islands, emergency control schemes need to be in place. The buses need to be identified by taking into consideration the presence of DG units in the system as well. In order to validate any load shedding scheme, the reliability of such scheme needs to be evaluated.
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Why is it important?
The islanding event is identified by utilizing the advantages of the existing passive islanding detection techniques. The vulnerable buses for load shedding in the island is identified by taking into consideration the presence of DG units in the system, the power available, the frequency and voltage decay. The most vulnerable buses are taken for load shedding. The effectiveness of the proposed load shedding scheme is tested by a quantitative reliability analysis before and after the proposed load shedding.
This publication focuses on the power imbalance in the island with load demand greater than the power available from the DG units. This is the most common phenemenon in unintentional islands. This calls for emergency control schemes to be available for the system operator to avoid a black out situation. Hence, the load shedding scheme assumes significance in the present deregulated environment where the utilities are encouraged to operate with more renewables as available.
Shanmugha Arts Science Technology and Research Academy
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Hybrid islanding detection method and priority-based load shedding for distribution networks in the presence of DG units , IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, February 2017, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (the IET),
DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2016.0437.
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