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Cost, performance, and penalties are the key factors to revenue generation and customer satisfaction. They have a complex correlation, that gets more complicated when missing a proper framework that unambiguously defines these factors. Service Level Agreement (SLA) is the initial document discussing selected parameters as a precondition to business initialization. The clear definition and application of the SLA is of paramount importance as for modern as a Service online businesses no direct communication between provider and consumer is expected. For the proper implementation of SLA, there should be a satisfactory approach for measuring and monitoring Qualify of Service (QoS) metrics. This study investigated these issues and proposed Performance-based Service Level Agreement (PerSLA) framework for cost, performance, penalties and revenue optimization. PerSLA optimizes these parameters and maximizes both provider revenue and customers satisfaction. Simulation results confirm that the proposed framework is adequate in revenue generation and customers satisfaction. Customers and providers monitor the business with respect to agreed terms and conditions. On violation, the provider is penalized. This agreement increases the trusty relationship between provider and consumer.

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This page is a summary of: Performance-based Service LevelAgreement in Cloud Computing to OptimizePenalties and Revenue, IET Communications, January 2020, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (the IET),
DOI: 10.1049/iet-com.2019.0855.
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