What is it about?
This paper introduces a new nonlinear mathematical model of insulin-glucose homeostasis that is simple but based on fundamental physiological motifs. This model can explain the evolution of insulin and glucose concentrations in the organism after glucose load and other perturbations. Additionally, it paves the way to a structure parameter inference approach (SPINA Carb), that may provide novel biomarkers of carbohydrate homeostasis, i. e. the secretory capacity of beta-cells (SPINA-GBeta) and insulin receptor gain (SPINA-GR).
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Why is it important?
Mathematical models and computer simulations of insulin-glucose homeostasis are valuable tools providing physiological insights and serving as tools for medical decision-making. However, their consistency is rather limited. The new model overcomes some of the restrictions of previous models. Both SPINA-GBeta and SPINA-GR correlate with central parameters of glucose metabolism, which include the M-value in hyperinsulinaemic glucose clamp studies, the response to an oral glucose tolerance challenge and HbA1c results. Moreover, they mirror multiple measures of body composition.

In summary, the new model explains important physiological phenomena, and it may provide an efficient biomarker panel for screening purposes and clinical research.
PD Dr. med. Johannes W Dietrich
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: SPINA Carb: a simple mathematical model supporting fast in-vivo estimation of insulin sensitivity and beta cell function, Scientific Reports, October 2022, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-22531-3.
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