

What is it about?

The proper formation of neuronal morphology in the developing cortex is essential for proper brain function. To screen the kinases which are important for the formation of neuronal morphology, we used 493 kinase inhibitors. We found that Aurora and Nuak kinases has essential roles in neurite formation and dendritic branching.

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Why is it important?

Recent studies have revealed the implication of neuronal morphological defects in a variety of diseases, such as autism spectrum disorder. To explore the kinases which are essential for neuronal morphological formation, we used the kinase inhibitor library may of which have already been approved by FDA. This suggests the smooth transition of our findings into clinical application.


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I was surprised that about 45% of inhibitors inhibit or accelerate the neurite formation. I am excited to test these inhibitors in vivo, especially if these can ameliorate the defects in disease models. Also, I hope that someone will be inspired by our results to test these inhibitors as a potential medication.

Kazuhito Toyooka
Drexel University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: High-throughput kinase inhibitor screening reveals roles for Aurora and Nuak kinases in neurite initiation and dendritic branching, Scientific Reports, April 2021, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-87521-3.
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