What is it about?
We studied individuals with mutations in CHD3. They tended to have a delayed development, especially their language development, and later on various degrees of intellectual disability. Some characteristics were in common between many individuals, such as a larger head, a flat facial profile, eyes more set apart, joint laxity and hernias. We studied the effect of the mutations in vitro. Several decreased the ability of CHD3 to remodel nucleosomes, while others had no in vitro effect or in fact increased the activity.
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Why is it important?
We defined the clinical characteristics of individuals with dysfunctional CHD3, thus allowing us to better know this genetic condition, and also allowing us to start to understand what happens in the cells and eventually in the neurons of such individuals.
We will now try to understand what are the consequences of this CHD3 dysregulation on gene expression and regulation in neurons, and we will continue expanding the phenotypic spectrum of this condition.
Dr Philippe M Campeau
Universite de Montreal
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: CHD3 helicase domain mutations cause a neurodevelopmental syndrome with macrocephaly and impaired speech and language, Nature Communications, November 2018, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06014-6.
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Facebook group for families
For affected families
gnomAD entry for CHD3
Variants seen in the general population
ClinVar variants
Click on "likely pathogenic" on the left to see disease-causing mutations
Genecard for CHD3
Details about the gene
Laboratory of Dr. Philippe Campeau
Research lab trying to better understand this condition
Laboratory of Dr. Paul Wade
Expert on the function of the CHD3 protein
Laboratory of Dr. SImon Fisher
Speech expert who helped us characterize the condition
Laboratory of Dr. Elizabeth Bhoj
Geneticists who is helping define the clinical spectrum of the condition
Uniprot entry
Details on the protein
NCBI gene entry
More details on the CHD3 gene
OMIM for CHD3 gene
Details on the first characterizations of the gene
OMIM for the condition
Summary on the characterization of the condition
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