Specific food group combinations explaining the variation in intakes of nutrients and other important food components in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition: an application of the reduced rank regression method
J Kröger, P Ferrari, M Jenab, C Bamia, M Touvier, H B Bueno-de-Mesquita, M T Fahey, V Benetou, M Schulz, E Wirfält, H Boeing, K Hoffmann, M B Schulze, P Orfanos, E Oikonomou, I Huybrechts, S Rohrmann, T Pischon, J Manjer, A Agren, C Navarro, P Jakszyn, M C Boutron-Ruault, M Niravong, K T Khaw, F Crowe, M C Ocké, Y T van der Schouw, A Mattiello, M Bellegotti, D Engeset, A Hjartåker, R Egeberg, K Overvad, E Riboli, S Bingham, N Slimani
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, November 2009, Nature
DOI: 10.1038/ejcn.2009.85