

What is it about?

Research has shown that technology has a significant influence on everyday life. Especially in recent years, professional and academic activities have increasingly shifted to online and digital platforms. However, this has been associated with the risk of engaging in harmful behavior. To provide an overview of the influence of technology on the development of aggressive behavior, qualitative and simple causal comparative analysis was conducted with 46 cross-sectional, experimental, and longitudinal studies involving more than 30,000 participants from Europe and Asia between 2015 and 2021. This systematic review examined the impact of various online activities such as playing violent video games and the moral position of the player, exposure to violent media, problematic Internet use, social networking, and Internet and smartphone addiction on the development of different types of aggression in the European and Asian regions.

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Why is it important?

A link between media consumption and aggressive behavior is generally assumed by the general public. Online media are particularly uncertain in this respect. The present study provides a systematic review of studies conducted in Europe and Asia and reveals evidence-based heterogeneous effects of online activities on the development of aggression: while violent video game use showed variable associations with aggression, problematic social media engagement and internet/smartphone addiction consistently showed associations with increased levels of aggression. This helps to argue for the development of multifaceted strategies to mitigate online activity-related aggression and related problems based on empirical knowledge.


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As a researcher and a mother of two, I've poured a lot of thought and emotion into this study, motivated by my ongoing concerns about media use and the truths, myths, and controversies surrounding its potential effects on behavior. This systematic review delves into how violent video games, problematic internet use, and social networking can/cannot contribute to the development of antisocial behaviors.

Sohni Siddiqui
Technische Universitat Berlin

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Influences of online computer-mediated activities on the development of aggressive behavior: A systematic literature review comparing Eurasian regions., Psychology of Popular Media, October 2024, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/ppm0000573.
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