What is it about?

Effectively addressing the needs of youth clients who receive mental health services requires accurately measuring how their behavior gets in the way or impairs their daily life. We evaluated a measure for assessing school-based impairments, and demonstrated a new strategy for accurately combining data from school-based and home-based impairment measures.

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Why is it important?

We learned that not only do informants like parents and teachers vary in how they perceive the impairments that youth face in their daily lives, but also that these varied perspectives reflect, in part, real-life differences in the social environments where youth experience such impairments, namely at home and/or school.


Our team is particularly proud of this article, as it is the first of our articles to use primary data collected as part of our grant, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (R324A180032) and entitled, "Informant discrepancies in social-behavioral assessment: Psychometric and practical implications of cross-informant data."

Andres De Los Reyes
University of Maryland at College Park

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The Work and Social Adjustment Scale for Youth: Psychometric properties of the teacher version and evidence of contextual variability in psychosocial impairments., Psychological Assessment, June 2022, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/pas0001139.
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