What is it about?
Almost every country in the world has signed up to ‘the Paris Agreement’, a 2015 commitment to making sure that global temperatures do not rise more than 1.5ºC above pre-industrial levels. The main thing we need to do to achieve this is to reduce our emissions of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Countries have agreed to become ‘carbon neutral’, on various timescales, but certainly by 2050. The United States is one of the countries that emits the most greenhouse gases. A strong plan is needed to reach carbon-zero. In this study, scientists analysed the United States' energy and industrial system. The came up with eight ways the United States can become carbon neutral by 2050. Their ideas include: • Using energy more efficiently • New energy sources, such as wind and solar power • Switching to electric vehicles and technologies • Using ‘carbon capture’ to stop so much carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere.
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Why is it important?
KEY TAKEAWAY: Scientists have shown it is possible for the United States to cut its carbon emissions to zero – and this can be done at a cost of just $1 per person per day. Here’s the plan – now let’s put it into action.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Carbon‐Neutral Pathways for the United States, AGU Advances, January 2021, American Geophysical Union (AGU),
DOI: 10.1029/2020av000284.
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