

What is it about?

Genetic types prioritized different fitness components and main dietary energy source could affected them. It seems that more specialized genetic types (selected for prolificacy or growth rate) were more sensitive to diets than the more generalist type (founded by functional longevity, associated with a higher robustness).

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Why is it important?

Robust animals seem to use the one strategy minimizing risks, which enabled them to survive and become highly productive in the long term with little influence of energy source of the diet.


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This information could be used to develop specific nutritional strategies for each genetic type in order to maximize their productivity while maintaining their functionality.

Juan José Pascual
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Long-term implications of feed energy source in different genetic types of reproductive rabbit females: III. Fitness and productivity, animal, December 2017, Cambridge University Press,
DOI: 10.1017/s1751731117003305.
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