

What is it about?

The article demonstrates how a scintillator stack detector can do real-time measurements of laser-generated bremsstrahlung radiation. The detector enables to monitor the radiation fluctuations shot-by-shot during a high-repetition-rate experiment. Moreover, it was observed that these fluctuations correlate with those of laser-accelerated protons.

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Why is it important?

Such correlation between the bremsstrahlung radiation and the protons parameters were observed experimentally for the first time, as to the best of our knowledge. In future, the detector might be a promising tool to monitor the proton energy non-disruptively in real time. It can be useful when the protons cannot be measured directly as they are needed, for example, for a sample irradiation.


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The scintillator-based detector used in the study can be categorized into the advanced generation of diagnostics to be used for high-rep-rate, high energy laser interactions. With its help, new insights into the laser-plasma physics can be achieved.

Valeria Istokskaia
The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC, ELI Beamlines Facility

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Real-time bremsstrahlung detector as a monitoring tool for laser–plasma proton acceleration, High Power Laser Science and Engineering, January 2024, Cambridge University Press,
DOI: 10.1017/hpl.2024.38.
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