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Materials flow analysis of neodymium, status of rare earth elements (REEs) in the Republic of Korea has been investigated. As very limited information available for supply-demand, material flow and recycling of REEs, to promote the recycling activity, research and development, efficient waste management, and control environmental burden, material flow analysis for neodymium and status of rare earth element for the Republic of Korea has been thoroughly analyzed. Information from various resources like the Korean ministry of environment, Korea international trade association, United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database and from individual industry were collected and analyzed for materials flow analysis of neodymium. Neodymium is at the high end of supply chain critical metal, because of increasing demand, scarcity and irreplaceability for technological application. The Republic Korea is one of the biggest consumer and leading exporter of these industrial products, absolutely depends on import of neodymium, as the country is lacking natural resources. Bring back the neodymium by the recycling of end of life neodymium-bearing waste can be a feasible option. From material flow analysis, requirement for an efficient recycling system and element wise material flow management for these REEs in the Republic of Korea were realized and recommended.

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This page is a summary of: Materials flow analysis of neodymium, status of rare earth metal in the Republic of Korea, Waste Management, November 2015, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2015.07.020.
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