The Netherlands Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Association (NOCDA) study: design and rationale of a longitudinal naturalistic study of the course of OCD and clinical characteristics of the sample at baseline
The Netherlands OCD Association (NOCDA) study
Josien Schuurmans, Anton J.L.M. van Balkom, Harold J.G.M. van Megen, Johannes H. Smit, Merijn Eikelenboom, Danielle C. Cath, Maarten Kaarsemaker, Desiree Oosterbaan, Gert-Jan Hendriks, Koen R.J. Schruers, Nic J.A. van der Wee, Gerrit Glas, Patricia van Oppen
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, November 2012, Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/mpr.1372