What is it about?

Study of landslide, here a paraglacial rockglacier-like features, is facilitated by the use of absolute positionning system (GNSS). However, the result are only points that should be interpolated. On the study site, the very complex topography, as well as destabilizing processes necessitates usng geostatistics for performing robust interpolation. In a second step, the geostatistical processing offers more information on the deformation processes and not only a spatial distribution of the surface deformations.

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Why is it important?

The use of geostatistic, indeed the model of variogram, may be used not only for spatializing the deformation field, as well as looking where the deformation step aside from what the model expect. Hence, the geostatsitic helps going deeper into the details of the deformation processes.


Coupling this approach with a 3D model of the stable underground layer may allow compute the global mean shear stress of such complex landslides. It would be usefull as a first approach when investigating a landslide. These results may help in optimizing the subsequent (heavy) investigations.

Dr Eric Bardou

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Process oriented use of geostatistics to analyse creeping para-glacial features, Earth Surface Processes, February 2015, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1002/esp.3711.
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