

What is it about?

We describe the design and synthesis of the first organic dyes enabling spontaneous formation of stable J-aggregates in common organic solvents without additives. The new dyes are O-BODIPYs with a B-spiranic 4,4-diacyloxyl substitution pattern. Key to the effectiveness of the J-aggregation process is the high conformational rigidity of the B-spiranic molecular design as well as the orthogonal disposition of the B-diacyloxyl substituent and the meso-aryl group with respect to the mean plane of the borodiazaindacene. Atomistic simulations, both in vacuum and in a solvent cage, support the dynamics of the J-aggregation process as well as its dependence on the alkylation pattern of the BODIPY chromophore. A detailed analysis of the photophysical and laser properties of the new dyes provides convincing evidence for the unambiguous assignment of these J-aggregates and their dependence on the environmental conditions.

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Why is it important?

This is the first report on the presence of J-aggregated dyes in pure organic solvents in the absence of any additives

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Unprecedented J-Aggregated Dyes in Pure Organic Solvents, Advanced Functional Materials, February 2016, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201505051.
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