What is it about?
Student agency is defined as the will and skill to transform one's functioning, or circumstances. Drawing insights from 86 academic articles, we have thoroughly explored this vital concept and examined how aligning the key elements of a curriculum can effectively support the development of student agency.
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Why is it important?
Promoting the development of student agency is important because student agency: - contributes to improved academic performance - correlates significantly with improved well-being - prepares students for their role in our rapidly changing world
I hope this article inspires curriculum developers and teachers to make informed choices that empower students to become more independent learners, finding joy and fulfilment in the process. Together, let’s advance this research by designing and evaluating school environments that truly nurture student agency.
Anja Schoots
Universiteit Leiden
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Curriculum guidelines for the development of student agency in secondary education: A systematic review, The Curriculum Journal, January 2025, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1002/curj.318.
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