

What is it about?

The aim of this article was to determine whether there are differences in the coping strategies (coping) of parents of children with disabilities (autism spectrum disorder or other disabilities) and parents of children without disabilities, in relation to the most stressful situation they had experienced with their child in the last year.

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Why is it important?

This data is of extraordinary relevance, as it allows us to understand the situation in which the parents find themselves and how they cope with the stressful situations they experience, which is essential to be able to subsequently generate intervention and treatment packages with this group.


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This research, in my opinion, produces a methodological improvement with respect to previous works, namely: a more robust research design, a larger sample size and the inclusion of statistical tests for the analysis of the results.

Francisco J Alós Cívico
Universidad de Cordoba

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Coping strategies in parents of children with disabilities: A case‐control study, Brain and Behavior, July 2022, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1002/brb3.2701.
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